Opus Dei Boston Bloggers

Bill and I are members of Opus Dei living in the Boston area with our nine children and five grandchildren (fortunately not in the same house). We want to be a witness to the ordinary life members of Opus Dei lead, and to correct the crazy rumors coming from The Da Vinci Code and other places. We will often comment on THE WAY, a book by St Josemaria Escriva that was published by Doubleday last May.

Location: BOSTON, Massachusetts, United States

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Sunday dinner at the Bowman's has become a tradition. Bill's family always ate Sunday dinner at his grandmother's house. Now we're hosting dinner at our house. Whoever can come will let me know. I figure it's a great chance for the kids to get together and laugh. They also bring laundry. I don't do their laundry. I just provide the machine, beer, and dinner. Several years ago I began thinking of our home as an oasis where people come to be refreshed. We all need to practice love and it's up to mom and dad to create opportunities. On a typical Sunday there will be a few people in front of the fireplace (or on the deck in the summer) A few will be watching a sporting event on TV. Some will be helping to prepare the meal and set the table. Children will be at the computer, drawing, or playing with trucks. Mostly, what I hear is laughter.


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