Opus Dei Boston Bloggers

Bill and I are members of Opus Dei living in the Boston area with our nine children and five grandchildren (fortunately not in the same house). We want to be a witness to the ordinary life members of Opus Dei lead, and to correct the crazy rumors coming from The Da Vinci Code and other places. We will often comment on THE WAY, a book by St Josemaria Escriva that was published by Doubleday last May.

Location: BOSTON, Massachusetts, United States

Friday, May 12, 2006


"Don't say: 'That's the way I'm made... it's my character'. It's your lack of character: Be a man."

My seventh grade english teacher taught us that we should understand that we could substitute woman in this sentance. That was back in 1962 and "things were different" then. I remember one day when she spoke to me, "Miss Daggett. you're running around this classroom like a chicken with its head cut off. Sit down!" I think of her when I'm having a bad hormone day. I'm still working on my character. I hope it's improving and that my children notice the struggle.


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